Throw back Thursday | Bikram yoga, stand up paddle board and sunrise.
Giving some #TBT love to my amazing friend Kate who is a warrior, a mother, a small business owner and an all around awesome chick. If you live in the area, or are just passing through, you should stop by and check her out.
Throw back Thursday.

Last month I completed my 40th trip around the sun - at least on the outside of the womb. Instead of feeling older, I spent my birthday running through the woods, ducking paint balls that were being fired at my head by a group of Navy guys, arranged by my wife Jill and my buddy Jay [who runs Life and Love Studios with his awesome wife Alison]. Ya, it was as awesome as it sounds.
I have tried not to over-think the big 40, and what it represents - but when I do, I can't help but feel humbled and incredibly grateful. This whole operations runs on the support of my friends and family. Five years ago, I was sitting at a desk in a massive building writing software for a Fortune 10 company - literally a cog in the machine - and when I talked about leaving that job (and steady paycheck) and striking out on my own to do something that I loved, you all believed it would work. No one even hesitated and that has been the best birthday present a guy could ever ask for.
For me, 40 doesn't represent getting old; it represents that it's my time to go and make a difference. That's something I couldn't have done it without your faith and support.
I owe you all a hug and my thanks. Much love.
Throw Back Thursday
When I photograph Holiday cards I love to shoot individuals of each person... the initial concept called for Kat to be standing closer to the fire place and hoolah hooping. As you can see from the frames that didn't make it, it just didn't work. We finally decided to move her to the center of the room and to just let her personality show without the prop and it lead to one of my favorite photographs of the year.
Kat's portrait from our 2013 Holiday shoot.
Our first shot, which held closely to our original concept... as you can see it just isn't quite right.
A step closer on lighting but as you can see... still off.