Holiday Card roundup.

I am, primarily, a wedding photographer. On average, I spend about 60 hours a week planning, photographing and processing wedding photographs. I really have to limit the other types of photography projects that I get involved with because I simply don't have the time... one of those side projects I can't wait for is Holiday Cards.

A collage of this years holiday cards.

Planning for this year started in April and I had my first session in September.  Crazy right? One of these cards took over 40 hours in total while a few were wrapped in less than an hour.

Here are a few of the cards that I so excited to share, starting with mine:

My holiday card for this year, 2013.

Hardwick Zombie hunter Holiday Card, 2013

Kip and Erica's awesome taking on the "Walmart called" photo genre. 

Mulhall Holiday Card.

Rubino family holiday card.


Gamer turned coder turned photographer.

Year end wrap up, best of LOVE.


Throw Back Thursday.